the stately movements of the stars served the ancient Stoics as the model of the good life; revolutionaries in Enlightenment America and France appealed to nature’s universal laws to justify rebellion; homosexuality has been condemned as “against nature”; recent floods and storms prompt headlines about the “revenge of nature” taken upon human greed and thoughtlessness. Yet for centuries philosophers such as Hume, Kant, and John Stuart Mill have argued that nature has no moral authority; nature simply is, and it is an error of logic to infer an “ought” from an “is”. These calls to drive a wedge between natural and moral orders have gone largely unheeded, as current debates about genetically modified organisms, new reproductive technologies, and homosexual marriage testify. Why do we continue to seek moral authority in nature, despite learned advice to the contrary?
Moderation: Hartmut von Sass
Vortrag Englisch, Diskussion Englisch / Deutsch
Dr. Hartmut von Sass ist Privatdozent am Institut für Hermeneutik und Religionsphilosophie der Universität Zürich und stellvertretender Direktor des Collegium Helveticum. Mehr
Lorraine Daston ist Direktorin am Max Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Berlin sowie Professorin an der University of Chicago. Mehr
Das Ludwik Fleck Zentrum ist eine wissenschaftstheoretische Forschungseinrichtung am Collegium Helveticum. Mehr
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