Simon Etter, Barbara Strobl

Think water, gauge streams!

The Citizen Science-Projekt CrowdWater

What would happen if people around the world started paying attention to water levels in their local rivers and streams?

The project CrowdWater is a research initiative in which people can contribute to a worldwide water monitoring network. Participants can observe their local streams and use a smartphone app to collect data on water levels throughout the year and during varying weather conditions. The data will then be used to improve hydrological simulations and, thus, to better inform decisions regarding the management of water resources. This information will help improve living conditions in developing countries and remote regions by enabling flood and drought forecasts.

The methods that will be used in collecting the data are simple: A virtual staff gauge will allow users to create a reference image documenting the water level in a specific river. Other users will then be able to see these virtual stations on the app’s map and correlate their location using their phone's GPS. They can then compare current water levels with the reference image provided by the app. Users will also be able to create a new virtual station or add data to existing stations.

You are welcome to join the CrowdWater community on our website or by downloading the app.

More information about "Think water, gauge streams!"

Barbara Strobl is pursuing the PhD-project CrowdWater at the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich.

Simon Etter is pursuing PhD-project CrowdWater at the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich.

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